Main Tags Descriptions


Title Created Date
Wong 2014 - Rise of the Human Predator September 2022
Hrdy 2009 - Meet the Alloparents September 2022
Brain Development of Infants September 2022
Carmichael 2007 - A Changing Portrait of DNA September 2022
Bhattacharya 2011 - The Children Who Grow Old September 2022
Childbirth and Brest-Feeding Basics August 2022
Raloff 2005 - Still Hungry August 2022
What is a Hormone August 2022
Kenny 2013 - The food addiction August 2022
Moyer 2011 - Obsessions Revisited August 2022
Prenatal Development Basics August 2022
Sapolsky 2004 - Your Personal Pathology August 2022
Live Longer with Better Foods February 2022
Gain Life Minutes with Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, and Beans August 2021
Lowest Mortality on Fruits and Vegetables August 2021
High Glycemic Index and BMI August 2021
Best and Worst Snacks for Longevity July 2021
Fresh Fruit for Higher Insulin Sensitivity June 2021
Extreme Amounts of Exercise June 2021
Fruits and Vegetables May Protect Against Cancers February 2017
Thermic Effect of Food and Negative Calories December 2016
My Sleep and What I Do with Fruit December 2016
Glycotoxins, Advanced Glycation, dAEG and Cooking December 2016
Fruit for Lower Blood Pressure and Glucose Levels November 2016
Handwashing after Toilet and Handling Raw Meat November 2016
Why and How to Wash Hands with Soap November 2016
Fruits and Vegetables against Specific Cancer Types October 2016
Fruits and Vegetables for Cancer Prevention October 2016
Fruits Reduce Risk of Lung and Bladder Cancers October 2016
Vitamin C and Common Cold October 2016
Fruit and Diabetes Type 2 October 2016
Flaxseeds for Sensitive Skin October 2016
Carnitine and Microflora October 2016
Undernutrition October 2016
Overnutrition October 2016
Excessive Protein Intake October 2016
Gluten and Other Proteins in Grains October 2016
Vitamins B12, B9, B6 and Heart Disease October 2016
Brain Protectors October 2016
Vegetarian Diets and Heart Disease October 2016
Illnesses from Contaminated Plant Foods October 2016
Fluoride in Water WHO Recommendation October 2016
Fluoride in Water and Dental or Skeletal Fluorosis October 2016
Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Bones October 2016
Vegan Diet Protects from Cancer October 2016
Whole Fruits for Satiety October 2016
Saliva Test for Candida Has No Scientific Foundation October 2016
Apples, Lemons and Cranberries against Cancer October 2016
300 g More Fruits and Vegetables Reduce Risk of Dying October 2016
Grapefruit with Caffeine or Drugs October 2016

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Lena Nechet, artist - Fine art, media productions, language.
San Diego, California , USA, 323-686-1771

I accept payment via PayPal and Zelle under my business email

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