General Copyright Notice

All rights are reserved for all materials on this site unless otherwise stated.

You may cite 1-3 paragraphs of my writing and 1-3 of my images fair use or critique with a visible link back to this site and attribution to Lena Nechet. You may download my articles and images for a single personal non-commercial use - without my explicit permission.

The intellectual property of pictorial artworks is held by the artists. Artwork first published in the United States are protected by the copyright law automatically.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property of all pictorial artworks on the site is held by the artist, Lena Nechet. All rights reserved on all publications unless otherwise stated.

Copyright Definition of Visual Art

Artworks first published in the United States are protected by the copyright law automatically.

Under Title 17 of the United States Code, a work of visual art is:

  1. a painting, drawing, print or sculpture, existing in a single copy, in a limited edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered by the author, or, in the case of a sculpture, in multiple cast, carved, or fabricated sculptures of 200 or fewer that are consecutively numbered by the author and bear the signature or other identifying mark of the author;
  2. or a still photographic image produced for exhibition purposes only, existing in a single copy that is signed by the author, or in a limited edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered by the author.

The copyright law of the United States also states that a work of visual art does not include:

  • any poster, map, globe, chart, technical drawing, diagram, model, applied art, motion picture or other audiovisual work, book, magazine, newspaper, periodical, data base, electronic information service, electronic publication, or similar publication;
  • any merchandising item or advertising, promotional, descriptive, covering, or packaging material or container;
  • any portion or part of any item described above;
  • any work made for hire; or
  • any work not subject to copyright protection under this title.

Copyright Notice Definition

In copyright law of the United States, a copyright notice is a notice of statutorily prescribed form that informs users of the underlying claim to copyright ownership in a published work. Copyright is a form of protection provided to authors of original works of authorship.

Artwork Copyright Certificate

A copyright is automatically put in place the moment that a piece of artwork is created. This automatic copyright provides its holder, the creator, with the exclusive right to:

  1. Reproducing the work (making copies);
  2. Creating derivatives based on the work, including alterations and remixes;
  3. Distribution of the copies;
  4. Displaying the work publicly.

Copyright notice like © Lena Nechet 2017 is not required. 

A copyright clause included in the Bill of Sale:

Copyright and Reproduction: 

The Artist reserves all reproduction rights, including the right to claim statutory copyright in the artwork. The artwork may not be photographed, sketched, painted, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of the Artist Copyright Disclosure
Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, 323-686-1771

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