How do I decide on pricing?

Prices and Payment

Prices are quantities of payment or other compensation for services and products.

For private clients and businesses, I strive to offer the highest quality service, and I use a refined but simple price structure. I am competitive in the quality and possible value of the art objects I produce, and I aim to be among the best in my fields. In terms of prices, competitiveness is not my priority.

I keep my price list simple and include everything in the price, so you do not need to make any calculations and spend your time figuring out my sales tax, delivery, fees, etc.

Price List

The price links are valid for each corresponding numbered item and are for easy prepaying through PayPal (including via bank accounts or credit and debit cards). Let me know if you want to pay with Zelle, Google Pay, check, or cash. Below are the approximate prices on my services and products.

 Products Price, USD
Personal Session, Double-Hour:
(2 academic hours, 100 intense minutes plus a pause for a chat)
  • Consultation or lesson;
  • Individual art workshop, materials included.
  • Interpreting events, for each 2-hour slot;
  • Translation, every two-hour increment.


Card Set, unique artistic greeting cards, ten (10) signed pieces.
Composition consultation, ten (10) times a year via email.
Website special access, one (1) year, one (1) section.
Digital files download or attachment.

Next tears:

 Products Price, USD
  • Original artwork - single, small size 



 Products Price, USD
German Crash Course:
Ten (10) real-time in-person or remote double-hour lessons, twenty (20) academic hours total, including all learning materials and site access for downloads.


Photography Package, including:
  1. Photoshoot, one to three (1-3) hours;
  2. Photographs, ten (10) edited printable high-resolution digital files
    (plus bonus shots, if great).
Videography Package, including:
  1. Video shoot session, one to three (1-3) hours;
  2. Short or ultrashort film, montage from the edited footage.
Original artwork - single, standard size.
Original artwork - single direct or alla-prima large size.


 Products Price, USD
Original artwork - polyptych standard size.


Original artwork single or polyptych large size, or custom.

 Free: No monetary charge - no transaction required or expected.

Pricing Principles

Price and Value

I hope you can find value in what I offer, and the price fair. The monetary worth of an artwork is initially not easy to establish. My simplified approach to pricing saves me time on business operations and can help you make a purchase decision faster as well.

Main Policy

The prices of the products and services are final and total for the client, and they might increase over time.

There will be no sales and no discounts. Sometimes though, I gave a special lower price to people I know who take the paintings right out of my hands. 


Main Components of the Cost Structure
  1. Time investment and expertise;
  2. Marketing, research, distribution, operating expenses, materials, space;
  3. Replacement of equipment, future expansion, return on the capital.
Pricing of Physical Products and Artwork

Prices on products will include all taxes and fees, specifically, see the breakdown in the Bill of Sale:

The price you see on the screen will therefore be all-inclusive for you - all is included, with no extra charges, and you see the total.

Fine Art Pricing

The base prices of fine art originals and workshops include:

  1. Artist's time, skillfulness, and talent;
  2. Professional art materials;
  3. Studio equipment replacement costs and amortization;
  4. Studio space;
  5. Provision, management, and marketing costs;
  6. Experimentation, education, research.

Time and Value

Services and products offered on this site are mostly unique, and my pricing strategy is therefore value-based, especially for the fine art objects. Some paintings can be comparable to others but have special qualities, or have required extended investments of time and other resources to be completed. I price them higher.

Time is a highly valuable resource, and to manage it efficiently, I also use an operations-oriented approach to setting a price. For example, if I have multiple requests for one specific product, or if I have little time to attend personally, I might increase the price of the piece or the meeting.

Quality and Markets

I decided not to use promotional or psychological pricing or some other marketing techniques I know well. I studied marketing and other economics subjects and formed my views on its methods over many years afterward. I do not want to apply some of them to my own business.

Fine art trade and consulting are special markets, and my general strategy is adjusted accordingly. From art dealers and managers, I learned what works for me and what surely doesn't. I hope you will find my approach to setting prices reasonable and agreeable, and the results of my efforts - valuable to you.

Thank you for your interest.
Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, 323-686-1771

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