Original Artwork

Fine art original paintings and drawings and custom artwork.
- Originals: handmade works of fine art completed independently are my main concentration, you can purchase any available artwork;
- Painting Commission: if you would like to define the theme or subject of the art piece and possibly the main colors of the artwork you will buy, we could agree on terms for a portrait, a painting of a place (like a home view), or an abstraction;
- Murals: for your wall with most lightfast pigments, designed to fit harmoniously into surroundings;
- Illustration: visualization of the essence in your book, recording, or any other type of presentation.
Handmade works of fine art completed independently are my main concentration. If you like any of my finished works, you can purchase the available original singles and polyptychs (paintings divided into sections).
Paintings on commission are useful if you would like to define the theme or subject of the art piece and possibly the main color of the artwork you commit to buying.
As a service, I create artwork miniatures as illustrations for your works as printing images as well as stylized artistic manipulation of my photographic images.
Art prints, copies of fine art originals and art photography: digital prints, giclee - high quality inject printing with pigment-based fade-resistant inks on archival paper.

A personal symbolic logotype for a loving couple: the letters of their names interlace into each other, maintaining nevertheless their own character and integrity - their unity is expressed in a simplistic symbol. This artwork is rendered with technical pens.

I hope to be able to save your time in adapting techniques, to offer your another perspective in composition, and to deepen your understanding of effective art creation workflow.
Tutorials - specific knowledge sharing, explanations, optimized workflow, most effective methods, sets of instructions for special tasks, problem solving lessons, demonstrations of a process using examples.
Art tutorials are available upon request, and via membership access.