Fruit for Young Women to Prevent Cancer
should increase their fruit intake, especially during adolescence, in order to prevent...
or simple, and to accumulate fat, especially in the waist area, we can develop insulin...
Vegans in Britain Tripled in Ten Years
in 10 years. Vegans in the UK are typically city dwellers, aged between 15-34 and...
vitamins, the first B vitamin discovered. All B vitamins help the body convert...
A 2004 study showed that about half of all deaths in the United States in 2000 were...
poisonous, can be may be man-made or naturally occurring, and can be found in the air,...
are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and grow. Animals are classified as the...
and unsaturated fatty acids and called saturated or unsaturated depending on how much...
20 different amino acids that occur naturally in proteins. Plants can synthesize all...
sweet potato). Because the body converts all dietary sources of vitamin A into...
Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that has a key role in...
different effects. Niacin occurs naturally in food and can also be made by your body...
Health - the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism.
hydrogen, and oxygen. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose (or...
fats, proteins, and water represent virtually all the weight of food. Carbohydrates,...
of fruitarianism for 20 years, periodically changing it after reflecting on what I...
am a long term vegan-fruitarian who radically changed her lifestyle as a teenager, at...
an independent inviting platform for all people to tell about their ethical lifestyle...
(professional, sporadically used) meetup.com/members/... (local events and meetings)...