Small graphic and fine art works that are 12 inches or 30 cm in their longest side or...
barrier from your strangeness, and I am all for it. I love people's stories, and here...
antibodies did not destroy my cells after all - she was very healthy, and it was her...
This practice was not his fault, he personally only advised on most efficient ways to...
Ethnically, I am a mixed Slavic-German (~1/2 Ukrainian, ~1/4 German, ~1/4 Russian),...
If I am not in a blissful state, it is usually because of actual difficulties in my...
and seeds-based vegan diet, environmentally-friendly attitude, avoiding buying too...
signs, which mean "exists" ∃ and "for all" ∀. When I started using my signature online...
plays in German - listen to the professionally made audio and download the files. WDR3...
London to Tehran which the airline has called “an important destination”. They were...
intellectual debates. On Arte you can usually switch the audio language between German...
color. In these group of colors I include all colors close to it on the color wheel,...
body shots. Portraits of couples and small groups.
All art grounds made out of hundred percent cotton, canvases and papers. Cotton...
cases like reselling the artwork, usually requested by a dealer, for insurance, or in...
Interpreting service, in person, all directions: English (Englisch, английский);...
Art grounds that had been either industrially produced out of recycled materials, or...
German-Russian translation for small literary works. Literary translation into Russian.
in real time, I can use my fluency in all this languages, as well as my extensive...
a solid foundation for certain fluency. All you will need to do to start your progress...