so recht seiner Lage bewusst wird und alles richtig überlegt, wie, wo und unter...
mit einer brennenden Sehnsucht wünschen, allein zu sein?
schon inbegriffen und zwar als Grenzfall des Möglichen, und wenn es einmal eintritt,...
Hopserei, wo jeder für sich allein tanzt, seine eignen Faxen schwingt, verwickelt in...
und er erlebt ungern, was er keinesfalls in Worte bringen kann. Max Frisch, Montauk
They are best for larger spaces that allows to step back and view the piece from some...
She talked with entitled calm and was usually unhappy with things when she visited my...
paintings and drawings can fit on most wall spaces and can be comfortably observed in...
could be calmly instructive and methodically violent in silence. He was always working...
and many people who lived around, especially older neighbor-kids, who kept my carriage...
them. Probably not true 11. When I felt really bad, I could almost always find someone...
multiple rocket launchers, alive and with all limbs. They built their house with their...
her grandson, and persimmons. She worked all her life, mainly as a hotel manager, and...
minds, including mine, were routinely challenged with philosophical paradoxes, barely...
father was a brilliant child who finished all schools with highest honors. He became a...
My mother was a ballerina in her early youth. She was not happy with the perspective...
Soviet military because of him. I actually hated war movies because of the devastation...
Soviet government in Moscow took away all the crops. The German invasion in 1941...
It was autumn. My mom's dress, especially the silvery roses, was made during a big...
As the owner of a small translation agency, I have had the pleasure of working with...