Portrait & Figure
Representation of faces and figures of human beings (Homo sapiens sapiens) in my artwork is usually motivated by the expressiveness of the emotion, depth of ideas, or beauty.
My fine art portraiture and figurative paintings are primarily based on figure drawings of nude and dressed life models and other real people. I rarely use photographs. Sometimes, I analyze my own photographs taken from different angles and in different lighting for a while, to commit to the general feel of the personality to my mind, and then work from there.
Photographic environmental portraits and videographic depiction of persons are more meaningful to me than most other real life depictions.
Portraits - artistically represented persons, depiction of persons or groups, figurative art (figures and silhouettes) - realistic or at higher levels of abstraction - that displays the expression, personality, and mood of the subject.
Portrait painting is a figure painting that
focuses on the creation of a likeness of a particular individual or
The focus of a portrait is usually the face, but the entire body and the background or context may be included, especially in environmental portraits.
A figure painting is a work of fine art in any of the painting media with the primary subject being the human figure, whether clothed or nude.
In figure drawing only dry media is used, it may be a composed work of art or a figure study done in preparation for a more finished work such as a painting.
A life drawing or painting is a rendering artistic representation of the human figure from observation of a live model.
The degree of representation may range from highly detailed, anatomically correct renderings to loose and expressive sketches.
Artwork made during real-time sessions with life models, dressed and nude, professionals and volunteers. Artwork made during sessions with life model.
Sexuality and Eroticism
Appearances of human beings in my painting range from masculinity, through androgyny, to femininity:
- male-like ♂️XY♂,
- androgynous ⚥⚧⚨⚦⚩,
- female-like ♀️XX♀.
Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics, being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine in appearance or behavior, uniting sexes in one.
Male is the sex of an organism that produces the gamete known as sperm.
Female is the sex of an organism that produces non-mobile ova that fuses with the male gamete during sexual reproduction.
During reproduction, the male contributes either an X sperm or a Y sperm, while the female always contributes an X egg. A Y sperm and an X egg produce a male, while an X sperm and an X egg produce a female. - Wikipedia
Gender is the range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity that include biological sex, sex-based social structures like gender roles, or personal gender identity.
- Reference Code: LN21A22AB0