Art Sketch
- Sketchbook pages, large figure sketches, gesture drawing, anatomy studies, urban sketching, blueprints, underpainting, and work in progress.
Sketch - a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene, a preliminary study.

Further preparations for the life model seasons.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch
- Goals: practice

Continuing preparations for the life model seasons with a group in a studio.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch
- Goals: practice

First preparations for the life model seasons.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch
- Goals: practice

This is one of the rare quick studies I made of works by other artists.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch

- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch

- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Art Studio
- ▼ Art Sketch
- Reference Code: LN19I03FNA
- Materials: Ink on paper