a critical evaluation or analysis, especially of works of art or literature - a...
on LinkedIn. This profile is not really active: I opened it when I applied for jobs...
media paint is applied to a surface usually with a brush. The resulting paintings can...
Under this label are gathered all business offers, types of products, and all...
All artworks presented in this section are made by me, Lena Nechet, by hand and...
Do Fruitarians Eat Only Sweet Fruits?
depending on the circumstances. Usually, fresh fruits are preferable, but the...
of the old style place. Phone on the wall, with the menu, and fun figures. The gritty...
Diego. The photograph demonstrates a shallow depth of field (DOF) achieved by using a...
the object form the background, with a shallow depth of field (DOF).
an eco-friendly art studio and a small orchard. Previously, I lived in several...
ground are exciting because of the challenge they bring, and due to liberating...
impossible to produce a purely factual all-encompassing opinion-less non-bias...
delight caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying, ecstatic or exultant...
Video - recorded motion graphics, typically with sound: Videos, movies - are series...
or stories can be presented verbally, via still or moving images, or through a...
Section Life on this site is about me, Lena Nechet, and my interests. Here is more...
Raster and vector graphics - electronically produced images, both still and...