
All about my little fruitarian orchard in Southern California, US planting zone 10a (extreme minimum temperature 30-35 F or -1 to 1.7 C, USDA Plant Hardiness Zone), founded in 2018. The growing surface is about 0.17 acre (or approximately 688 square meters), and more than half is taken by the native or already established plants, like yucca, pines, palms, schinus, and sago).
This tiny garden is located ~3.5 miles (~5.6 km) from the Pacific coastline, on a hill, and is exposed to strong winds - usually cold, bus sometimes from the desert, blazing southern Californian Sun, and significant daily temperature changes. Lots of wild life visits it, especially birds.
We have very little rain most of the year, and the city water here is very expensive because of the drought conditions. The native soils are very poor, with clay and rocks. I am building the soil up with compost, mulch, and other methods from permaculture, Hügelkultur, and other horticultural techniques.
Plants in my orchard that live many years. I concentrate on trees, bushes, and self-propagating patches.
Californian Fruitarian Garden in April - views with natural sound, no narration. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 10 A. Oceanside, California.
Made for https://LenaNechet.com/life/fruitarian/orchard
This video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Dq6WKm6VLCs
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Fruitarian
- ▼ Orchard
This is the list of the plants I grow for beauty, fragrance, pollinators, soil support, and to make cold and hot infusions from their flowers, buds, leaves, sometimes fruits, and prunings. Microbiome and micronutrient richness might be the best features of such fresh infusions.
- Details
- Author: Lena Nechet
- ▲ Fruitarian
- ▼ Orchard