A few notes about our February 2024 (24th) gathering for a talk and possibly some dancing.

This is an approximate plan for the evening, you are welcome to make suggestions:

5:00 pm - Greetings, drinks, arranging food - if you arrive earlier, come in!
+ I just realized that a few of us would meet a few of others for the first time so we will play a quick round of 2 Truths 1 Lie: Everyone will introduce themselves quickly, e.g. with their name and main passions, and then tell us three things - two facts about themselves and one probable invention for the rest of us to guess which one is the deception;
5:15 pm - writing custom questions for the philosophical game with 74 remaining questions, same rules, anonymously at first, you can reveal your authorship later;

5:30 pm - playing the question-answering game at the table (please remind me to take a picture);
9:00 pm - this dancing game (if we solve the sound problems from the last time, phone to hi-fi was an emergency solution); we could replace dancing with a pantomime-pictionary game, or continue the conversation. (PS: I fixed the laptop, moved the music to a hard drive, and will try to convert the dance playlists to Linux-playable, but at least we will have background music without interruptions).

Thank you, and text me with anything, see you soon!

Post Party Notes

I forgot the picture again, and the mocha! OK, we learned quite a few things about each other in "Two Truths One Lie" first.

Then nine of us discussed what success in life means, what makes a good leader, whether we have free will and to which extent (opinions varied a lot, from no, through restricted by a "cage," we need to believe we have, to yes and definitely), aggression and ethics, wars and how to achieve peace and whether it is possible for humanity, can the ends justify any means, what is necessary for friendship (from authenticity, vulnerability, trust, honesty, to the ability to discuss all things and integrity).

We also pulled one introduced question about recurring dreams - it is amazing what we dream and how differently. It made me think and later understand one of my dreams with that yellow bus :) And we talked about what is better to have, beauty or luck, and got quite divided.

Thank you for liking my first hummus with some garden herbs, I have modified several Mediterranean recipes.

Private gathering.Game Night, Private Party, Small Gathering
Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

Ask: Send me a quick question from your default email app with this page info.

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