People wrote thousands of love emails to trees

The city of Melbourne assigned trees email addresses so citizens could report problems. Instead, people wrote thousands of love letters to their favorite trees.

To: Golden Elm, Tree ID 1037148, 21 May 2015: 

I'm so sorry you're going to die soon. It makes me sad when trucks damage your low hanging branches. 

To: Algerian Oak, Tree ID 1032705, 2 February 2015: 

Thank you for giving us oxygen. Thank you for being so pretty.

To: Green Leaf Elm, Tree ID 1022165, 29 May 2015: 

I don't think that there is much more to talk about as we don't have a lot in common, you being a tree and such. But I'm glad we're in this together.

To: Willow Leaf Peppermint, Tree ID 1357982, 29 January 2015: 

Do trees have genders? I hope you've had some nice sun today.


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