Hera are my 17 needs, starting with most urgent and basic down to exciting and desired, with associated with them long term natural and human resources requirements.


  1. Right temperature and other physical conditions - climate stability
  2. Breathing - clean good air, properly balanced in oxygen and other gases; 
  3. Safety - absence of violence from other beings and natural forces, if needed protection of body and essential property, shelterfreedom of movement and actions; 
  4. Sleep - quiet time and suitable environment to rest
  5. Water and energy - clean water and fresh plant food (fruit, seeds, etc.) 
  6. Health - normal homeostasis, help in emergencies, preventive care;  
  7. Orgasm. 
  8. Friendship! Trusting and loving relationships. Good people around. Group mind and drive. 
  9. Intimacy. A life partner, love with passion. 
  10. Knowledge - access to information (internet), active scientific community
  11. Respect - of other members of the society and by them, acknowledgement;
  12. Art - capability to create something. 
  13. Individuals - interaction with unique people in cultures that support and promote great personalities, and that are oriented towards knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, mutual acceptance and care, self-regulation and sustainability.  
  14. Education - lifelong access to teaching resources for mental improvement
  15. Capital - access to sufficient financial assets to realize business or organizational ideas and innovations; 
  16. Progress - development of human societies towards its best generated ideals. 
  17. Discovery - new: understanding, feelings, abilities...

As you can see, I have modified and extended Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from basic physiological and  safety, to belonging and love, social or esteem, and finally, self-actualization, because I could not quite match it to myself.

Right now I am back to school (my #14) and consider myself to be fortunate enough to have for at least a while most of my needs more or less satisfied. I also hope that major human societies move into right direction, and I expect to learn many exciting new things during my lifetime.

In simple terms, my basic needs now are:

  • To pay for (usually): home, water, electricity, gas, internet, cell phone, transportation, groceries, hygiene, health care, art supply, college, things, events, business opportunities;
  • Free and rewording (must be): friends, a lover, social gatherings, occupation, and activism. 

Max-Neef's fundamental human needs:

  1. subsistence
  2. protection
  3. affection
  4. understanding
  5. participation
  6. leisure
  7. creation
  8. identity
  9. freedom

I do need all of them :)

Satisfiers (ways of meeting needs):

  1. Violators: claim to be satisfying needs, yet in fact make it more difficult to satisfy a need. E.g. drinking a soda advertised to quench your thirst, but the ingredients cause you to urinate more, leaving you less hydrated on net.
  2. Pseudo Satisfiers: claim to be satisfying a need, yet in fact have little to no effect on really meeting such a need. For example, status symbols may help identify one’s self initially, but there is always the potential to get absorbed in them and forget who you are without them.
  3. Inhibiting Satisfiers: those which over-satisfy a given need, which in turn seriously inhibits the possibility of satisfaction of other needs. Mostly originating in deep-rooted customs, habits and rituals. For example, an overprotective family stifles identity, freedom, understanding, and affection.
  4. Singular Satisfiers: satisfy one particular need only. These are neutral in regard to the satisfaction of other needs. They are usually institutionalized by voluntary, private sector, or government programs. For example, food/housing volunteer programs aid in satisfying subsistence for less fortunate people.
  5. Synergistic Satisfiers: satisfy a given need, while simultaneously contributing to the satisfaction of other needs. These are anti-authoritarian and represent a reversal of predominant values of competition and greed. For example, breast feeding gives a child subsistence, and aids in the development in protection, affection, and identity.

I made multiple mistakes in my life, trying to satisfy my needs synergistically, in a very risky ways that turned to be wrong as I see it now: I relied too strongly on a partner for several things at once, neglecting many other needs like safety, sleep, health, orgasm, friendship, even intimacy, community respect, and even art to some extend! Therefore I need to change myself.


What are your needs?

Are you content?

Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

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