Swimming in the Pacific Ocean 3.5K

Today I did one of my longest swims in open waters: over 3.5 km (3.5K), not counting curves, waves, zigzag swimming to avoid kelp, kayakers, fishermen, birds, and even one big seal.

This is my 3rd consecutive day swimming in the ocean, ~ 2 km (2K), ~ 2.7 km (2.7K) in two previous days, plus brisk walks up and down the hills (~ 110 m slope) 5 km (5K), 7 km (7K), and 10km (10K) today. Earlier this Summer I swam 3-4 times a week, but not regularly.

The water temperature was 70-71 F / ~ 21 C, and it felt very pleasant. I swam without wet-suit, and today after being in water for over 2 hours I felt a bit chilled in my toes by the end. I stopped or slowed down to chat with guys on boats and surfers, and to rest and enjoy on the surface, laying on my back totally relaxed.

I also approached the coast in few places to see beautiful rocks. One young seagull was following me for a while :) Another one screamed in my ear, almost landing on my head from the back. A huge pelican passed me, and also other types of birds, who were speeding up flying right above the water. When it happened to me the first time couple of weeks ago I was scared and dived each time :)

I have been getting around 1500 kc (Cal, or food calories) per day last weeks, from fruits and seeds, as usual (my normal range is about 700-2300 Cal), and I am glad my body can give me such pleasures - swimming freely in this amazing clear water! 

This map in the beginning with 2.18 miles is more precise, and made with google maps' tools. I also measured the distance on freemaptools.com

ocean 12a lena nechet

This is an example of the Ocean surface temperatures in December in California, 2012-8-23:

ocean 12b temperature lena nechet

And this is a view at the Ocean surface of my rout in in La Jolla from the side, with all the birds:

ocean 13 la jolla cove lena nechet

La Jolla Cove open-water swimming.Ocean
Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, LenaNechet.com
Art@LenaNechet.com 323-686-1771

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