To simplify and order my verbal and visual presentation, I sort all my manners of display by moods, narrative modes, objects and subjects of representation, and color. I use the terms of narration because the verbal system is founded on visuals in the brain and is analogous to it in many ways.

I do not think like many that every painting tells a story, and I do not want my works to give ready-made resolutions and morals. However, I do believe artworks contain complex messages of some kind. They existed as physical objects before humans developed writing systems, and therefore had embodied permanence as a record of thought.

Complex Message

To me, visual renderings and creative writing are intertwined types of communication:

  • visuals can provoke verbalization,
  • and writing stimulates the imagination.

In some series and single paintings, I combine visual and verbal messages, usually by adding poetry or phrases in various languages. And I use meaningful artwork titles most of the time. Pictures and words complete each other into one short but dense message. This way the probability of understanding by the viewer is higher, I believe.

The messenger and the receiver of both communication types can unite on some level through this act of artistic transmission. The visual impression bypasses the language limitations and can stay with the person for a long time as an image. The verbal attributes link the image with the conceptual structure of the mind and make it more retrievable.

Visualization Process

  • Formation of mental visual images and their rendering;
  • Interpretation of feelings, thoughts, and complex ideas in visual terms;
  • Capturing visual reality and editing it for presentation.
  • Reference Code: LN21A22AB0
Artist - Abstract Portraits
San Diego, California, USA, 323-686-1771

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